2 weeks ago the engine on the transit van blew up, yes blew up – conrod straight through the bottom! Faced with weeks off the road and huge expense to replace it, I luckily found this furniture removal truck previously owned by mick at adopt-a-chair and he has done it up perfectly.
Biggest drawback? It didn’t have a cup holder! Where was I going to sit my Royal Doulton cup of tea?! Those who know me or have been on the road with me, know I drink 20 cups of tea a day and can’t leave home on the road without my Royal Doulton and hot thermos of tea. After much deliberation over whether or not this was going to be the truck for me and my Royal Doulton, I solved the problem by purchasing a small copper saucepan from Kmart, removed the handle, and just screwed it onto the dash (the joys of buying secondhand!). Looks so good I might start selling and installing at the shop!! Let me know if you need one…
The first day back on the road buying I had estates backed up left right and centre. Now, the new truck might be very slow (80km/hour) but about twice the space and we needed it as it was filled to the brim! I left home at 7.30am and finished at 5.30pm after a multitude of houses, hundreds of new things out on the floor now. I spent 2.5 hours crawling around under a house in Launceston, just 3.5 ft high clearance, it was incredibly hard stooped and back breaking work; mice, rats, and cobwebs like a mat of hair. 40 year old cases of items stored decades ago, boxes collapsing, rats nests, mice running around, about 50 boxes moulding away just too deteriorated. It was incredibly hot as I sweated and wiped it away, the cobwebs formed like dreadlocks. You could feel spiders on your head and in your shirt, all I could do I squash them in!
Later we did 50 year old sheds out at Hadspen, again rats and cobwebs it was one of those days! We have just finished sorting through and cleaning all the boxes of items and really pleased with the treasures we have found. Hundreds of items; old oars, old tobacco signs, multiple old bikes, old benches, books, loads of tools, massive amount of old toys (many still in boxes), cast iron beds, 100 year old gates and much much more.
Head in this weekend for first dibs on the new treasures we have just put on the floor!
Happy Treasure Hunting,
John Cole